is event has already occurred. Thank you for supporting HARC’s Advocacy Efforts.
(Courtesy of The Arc Connecticut)
Rally to Protect the Safety Net!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.. Speaking begins at 10:00 a.m.
The State Capitol in Hartford
HARC is joining event co-sponsors The Arc, The Connecticut Association of Nonprofits, The Connecticut Community Providers Association, The Keep the Promise Coalition, The Council for Family Service Agencies and The Nonprofit Human Services Cabinet in a rally to protect DDS and other critical services for Connecticut’s most vulnerable citizens.
Families and advocates need to put a human face on the effect of further cuts to the DDS budget. Last month during the budget mitigation process more than 3,000 people called the governor’s office to tell their stories and to protest the governor’s cuts to the DDS budget.
We must build on that momentum by sharing our stories with legislators and letting them know that budgets must not be balanced on the backs of people who need services the most and their caregivers who support them.
To Prepare for the Rally:
Email your legislator to invite them to the rally and/or set up a meeting with them. Click here to visit HARC’s Advocacy Center for a pre-populated email message to your legislator.
Or call one of the four caucus offices to set up a meeting with your legislator. You can find out your legislator’s name here: HARC Advocacy Center.
House Democrats Caucus: 860.240.8500
House Republican Caucus: 860.240.8700
Senate Democrats Caucus: 860.240.8600
Senate Republicans Caucus: 860.240.8800
Buses and vans should drop off and pick up people in front of the Legislative Office Building (LOB). Capitol Police will be available to direct you to the rally. You may pick up your t-shirt before the rally in hearing room 2C of the LOB beginning at 9:00am. The rally begins at 10:00 am, outside on the east side of the State Capitol.
It is crucial that families, self-advocates and advocates join together with the nonprofit community to use our collective voice to ask our legislators to protect the safety net!
Please RSVP to Andrea Barton Reeves at or 860.218.6028.
We hope to see you at the event!