Ways to Advocate
During the Legislative Session:
- Attend our legislative events.
- Contact your elected officials about issues of concern to you and your family. Find your elected officials here.
- By handwritten letter
- By phone
- By Email
- Communicate with your legislators online through the CT Community Nonprofit Alliance.
- Schedule a meeting with your legislator in their office. Face-to-face meetings are powerful and effective.
- Know and support our Legislative Agenda.
- Stay informed by staying connected.
During the Interim:
- Host a meeting with legislators in your home. Invite people with special needs and their families.
- Contact your district legislators to tell them your story and what supports are important to you. Find your elected officials here.
- Invite a legislator to take a tour of Harc.
Contact Marian Leist at 860-218-6079 or mleist@harc-ct.org for assistance.
Thank you everyone for participating!
Thank you to everyone who participated in Have a Harc Day! We had over 100 viewers on Facebook and Youtube. We greatly appreciate all of your comments and feedback. A special thank you to the participants, staff and families for sharing your messages and for all the legislators who watched.
Watch the Presentation
Just in case you missed it, you can watch the Have a Harc Day Presentation by clicking the link above.
In the meantime, check out our 2021 Legislative Agenda and learn more about advocacy at Harc
Watch this video from our legislative host, Catherine Abercrombie
Here are some other highlights
Governor Lamont shared a special message