Hartford, CT, July 2012 HARC, Inc. an organization serving people with intellectual disability and their families, is pleased to announce that it has received a software grant from Microsoft for $656,000 worth of software to restructure the organization’s IT capabilities.
According to Jeffrey Martineau, HARC’s IT Director, “Approximately 7,300 people depend on various aspects of HARC’s IT capabilities: e-mail, word processing, program development, all kinds of information storage, and many other uses are required by HARC’s staff, participants and families, during a typical day of doing business at HARC. Geographic expansion now requires IT to become more mobile, so that it is available to staff wherever they may be – at the HARC headquarters, at one of the organization’s many group homes or supported employment sites, or any other remote location.”
Aguilar He continues, “HARC needs to both reduce its ongoing hardware and software costs, and upgrade its capabilities. This grant will help us accomplish those goals, and we very much appreciate this incredible boost from Microsoft.”
Phase I will be the establishment of a Private Cloud. This environment will host the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) and three of the four current Servers. As current equipment needs increase, the VDI will be increased. Server virtualizations, over time, will decrease, creating space for the increased VDI needs. In three to five years all users will have been incorporated into the VDI infrastructure.
Phase 2 involves a Public Cloud. HARC will move its files and File Server to a Public Cloud, which will facilitate the increasing collaboration of mobile users. This transition will take six to twelve months.
Phase 3 concerns data back-up and disaster recovery. HARC’s current system and equipment is in need of replacement. HARC is in the process of examining a tapeless back-up system with off-site storage.
The grant was made through Microsoft’s software donations program, which empowers nonprofits to best serve their local communities.
“At Microsoft, we believe technology can change the world and improve people’s lives. That’s why we partner with thousands of nonprofit organizations around the world to help them achieve their mission,” said Akhtar Badshah, Senior Director for Microsoft Corporate Citizenship. “Through our software donations, we provide technology tools, training and resources that can help transform communities, and in particular, create opportunities for youth. We are proud to support the work of nonprofit organizations like HARC, Inc. who are doing incredible work and having a real, positive impact on people’s lives.”
Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/citizenship) believes that technology can accelerate change to help solve some of society’s most pressing issues and make a real impact for a better tomorrow. You can find the latest Citizenship-related news from Microsoft on our blog: http://www.msftcitizenshipblog.com and by following us on Twitter: @msftcitizenship.
About HARC
HARC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people with intellectual disability and their families. It was founded in 1951 by families long before community services were available, and institutionalization was the only option. HARC is a strong and visible advocate for civil rights and opportunities, and a major provider of clinical and supportive programs that span the entire lifetime: early intervention (Birth-to-Three), family support, respite care, employment and day services, residential, recreation, behavioral health and elderly services. HARC is a Community Investment Partner of United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut and serves Greater Hartford.