Hartford, HARC, Inc. is very pleased to announce Irene and Earl Rozman of Windsor, CT as the recipients of its 2012 Joyce M. Peters Advocates of the Year Award. The award, which was presented at HARC’s 61st Annual Meeting on June 21, at Tumble Brook Country Club in Bloomfield, CT recognizes outstanding achievement in the areas of individual or systems advocacy. The award is given to an individual or individuals who have made special advocacy efforts resulting in the advancement of one of HARC’s participants or the organization as a whole. This year, the award was renamed in honor of former HARC VP, Joyce M. Peters, who was a passionate advocate for people with intellectual disability. Ms. Peters passed away earlier in 2012. RozmanIrene and Earl Rozman have been articulate, passionate and committed advocates for their daughter Janice, and all people with intellectual disability. The Rozmans have attended and testified at the Connecticut State Legislature public hearings numerous times. They have attended HARC’s Legislative Breakfasts, written letters in support of HARC, participated in forums and responded to every call to action. Irene and Earl have also supported HARC over the years by securing many Auction gifts and ads, and most recently, they addressed the Governor on his recent visit to HARC. HARC greatly appreciates the Rozman’s tremendous efforts on behalf of HARC and people with intellectual disability.
The Rozmans state, “It is an honor to be part of such a dedicated and caring organization as HARC. HARC provides excellent support for many people, and is very dedicated to its mission. Their hard work never ceases. We encourage all of HARC’s families to support the organization’s mission so that HARC can continue to move forward with its excellent programs.”